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Below you see 7 result(s) for 'engels' in locations.
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Villa with an enlish garden onto a litlle brook

Location 157

Villa with an enlish garden onto a litlle brook

Location in Netherlands

Location 157
Location 157
Location 157

Location 2947

Location in Netherlands

Location 2947
Location 2947
Location 2947

luxury apartment english style

Location 2359

luxury apartment english style

Location in Netherlands

Location 2359
Location 2359
Location 2359

english style house and office in the Netherlands

Location 2034

english style house and office in the Netherlands

Location in Netherlands

Location 2034
Location 2034
Location 2034

Mansion or old villa

Location 1337

Mansion or old villa

Location in Netherlands

Location 1337
Location 1337
Location 1337

modern villa

Location 3487


Location in Netherlands

Location 3487
Location 3487
Location 3487

Early Georgian property 1726, central London, Islington.. Totally original interiors, stunning front located walled tropical garden and roof terrace

Location 1427

Early Georgian property 1726, central London, Islington.. Totally original interiors, stunning front located walled tropical garden

Location in United Kingdom

Location 1427
Location 1427
Location 1427