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Below you see 15 result(s) for 'manor' in locations.
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American Villa in Holland Graceland replica Elvis Presley

Location 2017

American Villa in Holland Graceland replica Elvis Presley

Location in Netherlands

Location 2017
Location 2017
Location 2017

Classic Villa

Location 3110

Classic Villa

Location in Netherlands

Location 3110
Location 3110
Location 3110

Location 1433

Location in Netherlands

Location 1433
Location 1433
Location 1433

castle mansion

Location 1091

castle mansion

Location in Netherlands

Location 1091
Location 1091
Location 1091

english style house and office in the Netherlands

Location 2034

english style house and office in the Netherlands

Location in Netherlands

Location 2034
Location 2034
Location 2034

Mansion or classic villa

Location 1352

Mansion or classic villa

Location in Netherlands

Location 1352
Location 1352
Location 1352

countryhouse manor

Location 3596

Country house and villa with lots of space that can be used partially empty

Location in Netherlands

Location 3596
Location 3596
Location 3596

Mansion or villa

Location 1106

Mansion or villa

Location in Netherlands

Location 1106
Location 1106
Location 1106

manor estate park

Location 3273

Manor Castle Estate conference university park pond

Location in Netherlands

Location 3273
Location 3273
Location 3273

Manor farmhouse and villa with spacious rooms

Location 3116

Manor farmhouse and villa with spacious rooms

Location in Netherlands

Location 3116
Location 3116
Location 3116

empty manor house or mansion

Location 2054

empty manor house or mansion

Location in Netherlands

Location 2054
Location 2054
Location 2054


Location 3026


Location in Belgium

Location 3026
Location 3026
Location 3026

vintage manor house in Belgium

Location 1135

vintage manor house in Belgium

Location in Belgium

Location 1135
Location 1135
Location 1135

Modern Belgium Loft Manor house

Location 509

Modern Belgium Loft Manor house

Location in Belgium

Location 509
Location 509
Location 509

Manor house in France

Location 2023

Manor house in France

Location in France

Location 2023
Location 2023
Location 2023