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Below you see 6 result(s) for 'barn' in locations.
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Horse farm or villa

Location 677

Horse farm or villa

Location in Netherlands

Location 677
Location 677
Location 677

modern architecture artistique loft in old Barn.

Location 2369

modern architecture artistique loft in old Barn.

Location in Netherlands

Location 2369
Location 2369
Location 2369

Old house and Barn

Location 1139

Old house and Barn

Location in Netherlands

Location 1139
Location 1139
Location 1139

Old barn or shed

Location 850

Old barn or shed

Location in Netherlands

Location 850
Location 850
Location 850

Farmhouse and Barn

Location 691

Farmhouse and Barn

Location in Netherlands

Location 691
Location 691
Location 691

Wouden house or barn

Location 545

Wouden house or barn

Location in Netherlands

Location 545
Location 545
Location 545